Cathartes melambrotus, Cathartidae, Grand Urubu, Greater Yellow-headed Vulture
Cathartes melambrotus, Hirondelle à ailes blanches, Hirundinidae, Tachycineta albiventer, White-winged Swallow
Cormoran vigua, Neotropical Cormorant, phalacrocoracidae / Cormorans, Phalacrocorax brasilianus
Black Caracara, Caracara noir, Daptrius ater, falconidae
Accipitridae / Rapaces, Buse urubu, Buteogallus urubitinga, Great Black-Hawk
Cormoran vigua, Neotropical Cormorant, phalacrocoracidae / Cormorans, Phalacrocorax brasilianus
Anhinga, Anhinga anhinga, Anhinga d'Amérique, Anhingidae
Black Caracara, Caracara noir, Daptrius ater, falconidae
Amazona farinosa, Amazone poudrée, Mealy Amazon, psittacidae / Perroquets
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets
Ara macao, Ara rouge, psittacidae / Perroquets, Scarlet macao
Ramphastidae / Toucans, Ramphastos tucanus, Toucan à bec rouge, White-throated Toucan
Ramphastidae / Toucans, Ramphastos tucanus, Toucan à bec rouge, White-throated Toucan
Accipitridae / Rapaces, Ictinia plumbea, Milan bleuâtre, Plumbeous Kite
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Accipitridae / Rapaces, Buse à gros bec, Roadside Hawk, Rupornis magnirostris
Accipitridae / Rapaces, Buse à gros bec, Roadside Hawk, Rupornis magnirostris
Aigrette neigeuse, Ardeidae / Hérons, Egretta thula, Snowy egret
American Black Vulture, Cathartidae, Coragyps atratus, Urubu noir
Cathartes aura, Cathartidae, Turkey Vulture, Urubu à tête rouge
Sterne argentée, Sternidae < _Oiseaux, Sternula superciliaris, Yellow-billed Tern
Ciconiidae, Mycteria americana, Tantale d’Amérique, Wood Stork
Large-billed Tern, Phaetusa simplex, Sterne à gros bec, Sternidae < _Oiseaux
Ardea cocoi, Ardeidae / Hérons, Cocoi Heron, Héron cocoi
Ermite roussâtre, Phaethornis ruber, Reddish Hermit, Trochilidae / Colibris
Ermite d'Osery, Phaethornis hispidus, Trochilidae / Colibris, White-bearded Hermit
Ermite d'Osery, Phaethornis hispidus, Trochilidae / Colibris, White-bearded Hermit
Ramphocelus carbo, Silver-beaked Tanager, Tangara à bec d'argent, Thraupidae / Tangara-Calliste-Percefleur
Ramphocelus carbo, Silver-beaked Tanager, Tangara à bec d'argent, Thraupidae / Tangara-Calliste-Percefleur
Black-tailed Trogon, Trogon à queue noire, Trogon melanurus, Trogonidae
_mammifères, Tapir du Brésil, Tapirus terrestris
Ara severus, Ara vert, Chestnut-fronted macaw
Ara macavouanne, Orthopsittaca manilatus, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red-bellied Macaw
Ara severus, Ara vert, Chestnut-fronted macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets
Blue-headed parrot, Pione à tête bleue, Pionus menstruus, psittacidae / Perroquets
Amazona ochrocephala, Blue-headed parrot, Pione à tête bleue, Pionus menstruus, psittacidae / Perroquets, Yellow-crowned Amazon
Aratinga weddellii, Conure de Weddell, Dusky-headed Parakeet, psittacidae / Perroquets
Blue-headed parrot, Pione à tête bleue, Pionus menstruus, psittacidae / Perroquets
Ara severus, Ara vert, Blue-headed parrot, Chestnut-fronted macaw, Pione à tête bleue, Pionus menstruus, psittacidae / Perroquets
Blue-headed parrot, Pione à tête bleue, Pionus menstruus, psittacidae / Perroquets
Blue-headed parrot, Pione à tête bleue, Pionus menstruus
Blue-headed parrot, Pione à tête bleue, Pionus menstruus
Aratinga weddellii, Conure de Weddell, Dusky-headed Parakeet, psittacidae / Perroquets
Ara severus, Ara vert, Blue-headed parrot, Chestnut-fronted macaw, Pione à tête bleue, Pionus menstruus, psittacidae / Perroquets
Ara severus, Ara vert, Blue-headed parrot, Chestnut-fronted macaw, Pione à tête bleue, Pionus menstruus, psittacidae / Perroquets
Blue-headed parrot, Pione à tête bleue, Pionus menstruus, psittacidae / Perroquets
Amazona ochrocephala, Amazone à front jaune, psittacidae / Perroquets, Yellow-crowned Amazon
Blue-headed parrot, Pione à tête bleue, Pionus menstruus, psittacidae / Perroquets
Ara severus, Ara vert, Chestnut-fronted macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets
Blue-headed parrot, Pione à tête bleue, Pionus menstruus, psittacidae / Perroquets
Blue-headed parrot, Pione à tête bleue, Pionus menstruus, psittacidae / Perroquets
Amazona ochrocephala, Amazone à front jaune, psittacidae / Perroquets, Yellow-crowned Amazon
Caïque de Barraband, Orange-cheeked Parrot, psittacidae / Perroquets, Pyrilia barrabandi
Caïque de Barraband, Orange-cheeked Parrot, psittacidae / Perroquets, Pyrilia barrabandi
Columbidae / Pigeons-Tourterelles, Patagioenas subvinacea, Pigeon vineux, Ruddy Pigeon
Ara macao, Ara rouge, psittacidae / Perroquets, Scarlet macao
Ara macao, Ara rouge, psittacidae / Perroquets, Scarlet macao
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Bec-en-ciseaux noir, Black Skimmer, Laridae, Rynchops niger
Balbuzard pêcheur, Osprey, Pandion halliaetus, pandionidae
Balbuzard pêcheur, Osprey, Pandion halliaetus, pandionidae
Anhinga, Anhinga anhinga, Anhinga d'Amérique, Anhingidae
Large-billed Tern, Phaetusa simplex, Sterne à gros bec, Sternidae < _Oiseaux
Ermite d'Osery, Phaethornis hispidus, Trochilidae / Colibris, White-bearded Hermit
Alapi à sourcils blancs, Myrmoborus leucophrys, Thamnophilidae, White-browed Antbird
Myiozetetes similis, Social Flycatcher, Tyran sociable, Tyrannidae
Ara macao, Ara rouge, psittacidae / Perroquets, Scarlet macao
Ara macao, Ara rouge, psittacidae / Perroquets, Scarlet macao
Ara macao, Ara rouge, psittacidae / Perroquets, Scarlet macao
Anatidae, Neochen jubata, Orinoco Goose, Ouette de l'Orénoque
Cracidae, Hocco tuberculé, Mitu tuberosum, Razor-billed Curassow
Agami à ailes blanches, Pale-winged Trumpeter, Psophia leucoptera, Psophiidae
Moucherolle vermillon, Pyrocephalus rubinus, Tyrannidae, Vermilion Flycatcher
Moucherolle vermillon, Pyrocephalus rubinus, Tyrannidae, Vermilion Flycatcher
Moucherolle vermillon, Pyrocephalus rubinus, Tyrannidae, Vermilion Flycatcher
Moucherolle vermillon, Pyrocephalus rubinus, Tyrannidae, Vermilion Flycatcher
Cassique roussâtre, Icteridae, Psarocolius angustifrons, Russet-backed Oropendola
Ardeidae / Hérons, Capped Heron, Héron coiffé, Pilherodius pileatus
Ardeidae / Hérons, Capped Heron, Héron coiffé, Pilherodius pileatus
Ardeidae / Hérons, Capped Heron, Héron coiffé, Pilherodius pileatus
Alcedinidae / Martins, Amazon Kingfisher, Chloroceryle amazona, Martin-pêcheur d'Amazonie
Anatidae, Neochen jubata, Orinoco Goose, Ouette de l'Orénoque
Anatidae, Neochen jubata, Orinoco Goose, Ouette de l'Orénoque
Balbuzard pêcheur, Osprey, Pandion halliaetus, pandionidae
Cracidae, Ortalide maillée, Ortalis guttata, Speckled Chachalaca
Blue-throated Piping-guan, Cracidae, Pénélope à gorge bleue, Pipile cumanensis
Colombe à front gris, Columbidae / Pigeons-Tourterelles, Grey-fronted Dove, Leptotila rufaxilla
Anhinga, Anhinga anhinga, Anhinga d'Amérique, Anhingidae
Campephilus melanoleucos, Crimson-crested Woodpecker, Pic de Malherbe, Picidae
Hirondelle à ailes blanches, Hirundinidae, Tachycineta albiventer, White-winged Swallow
Amazona farinosa, Amazone poudrée, Mealy Amazon, psittacidae / Perroquets
caïman blanc, Sauriens
Ara macao, Ara rouge, psittacidae / Perroquets, Scarlet macao
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, Ara macao, Ara rouge, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw, Scarlet macao
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, Ara macao, Ara rouge, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw, Scarlet macao
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, Ara macao, Ara rouge, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, Red and green macaw, Scarlet macao
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, Ara macao, Ara rouge, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw, Scarlet macao
Ara ararauna, Ara bleu, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, psittacidae / Perroquets
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
tortue charapa
Amazonian Motmot, Momotidae, Momotus momota, Motmot houtouc
Calliste septicolore, Paradise Tanager, Tangara chilensis, Thraupidae / Tangara-Calliste-Percefleur
Calliste septicolore, Paradise Tanager, Tangara chilensis, Thraupidae / Tangara-Calliste-Percefleur
Calliste septicolore, Paradise Tanager, Tangara chilensis, Thraupidae / Tangara-Calliste-Percefleur
Ara chloroptera, Ara chloroptère, psittacidae / Perroquets, Red and green macaw
Callicebus brunneus, titi brun
Golden-collared Toucanet, Ramphastidae / Toucans, Selenidera reinwardtii, Toucanet de Reinwardt
Calliste septicolore, Paradise Tanager, Tangara chilensis, Thraupidae / Tangara-Calliste-Percefleur
Bucconidae, Nystalus striolatus, Striolated Puffbird, Tamatia striolé
Cabézon doré, Capito auratus, Capitonidae, Gilded Barbet
Cabézon doré, Capito auratus, Capitonidae, Gilded Barbet
Flame-crested Tanager, Loriotus cristatus, Tangara à huppe ignée, Thraupidae / Tangara-Calliste-Percefleur
Euphonia chrysopasta, golden-bellied euphonia, Organiste fardé, Thraupidae / Tangara-Calliste-Percefleur
Ramphastidae / Toucans, Ramphastos tucanus, Toucan à bec rouge, White-throated Toucan
Caracara à gorge rouge, falconidae, Ibycter americanus, Red-throated Caracara
Blue-crowned Trogon, Trogon couroucou, Trogon curucui, Trogonidae
Cracidae, Pénélope de Spix, Penelope jacquacu, Spix's Guan